Titel & Grade: ao.
Univ.-Prof., Univ.-Doz., Dr. phil.,
Dipl. Endocrinol. Pathol., Oberrat.
Ausbildung, Forschungsaufenthalte und Schwerpunkte: Studium der Naturwissenschaften (Biologie/ Zoologie/ Humanbiologie und Biochemie) an der Universität Salzburg (1975-1982). Promotion zum Doktor der Philosophie am 25.5.1982, alle Rigorosen mit Auszeichnung. Postgraduierten-Studium der wissenschaftlichen Medizin an der Royal Postgraduate Medical School (Imperial College of Medicine), Hammersmith Hospital, University of London, England (11/83; 3/84-9/85; 11/93; 1-2/95; 1-2/96), Dissertation und Diploma of Endocrinology (Pathology) der Universität London mit Auszeichnung (2.8.1985). Teilstudien der Psychologie (Universität Salzburg; 1981-1984), Physik und Chemie (Universität Innsbruck; 1974-1975). Musikstudium (Schwerpunkt: Violine) an der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mozarteum, Salzburg (1964-1974). Certified Hypnotherapist (C.Ht.) der National Guild of Hypnotherapists USA (2015-2019). Habilitation zum Univ.-Dozenten für Histologie, Histochemie und Endokrinologie an der Universität Salzburg (22.8.1988). Vorlesung für die Erreichung des Berufstitels eines außerordentlichen Universitätsprofessors am 12.6.1996, Verleihung am 4.1.1997. Ausbildung in klinischer Ernährungsmedizin und Ernährungstherapie (Universität Jena / Lich / Mainz, Deutschland, 2001 und 2003). Zertifizierter Krankenhaus-Ethikberater, eingeschl. Moderation & Mediation (Düsseldorf / Kaiserswerth, IFF-Institut) (seit 1/2005). Forschungsstipendien des Österreichischen Wissenschaftsministeriums, des Forschungsinstituts Gastein-Tauernregion, der Londoner Royal Society of Medicine (European Science Exchange Programme), des Wellcome Trusts (England), des Deborah Research Instituts (Browns Mills, NJ, USA), der Swedish Cancer Foundation (Stockholm, S), der University of Uppsala (S) u.a. Zusatzstudium zu den Themen Spirituelle Metaphysik und ganzheitliches Coaching an der private theological University of Sedona, Arizona, USA (non-secular; 2011-2016). 3/1987 bis 9/2015 an den Salzburger Landeskliniken (SALK), in den ersten 15 Jahren mit dem Auftrag, ein Spezialtechniken-Labor für Immun- und Molekular-Krebsdiagnostik & Genanalyse zu errichten und zu leiten, sowie wissenschaftliche Projekte durchzuführen und zu organisieren. Dekret als Leiter des Labors für Immunohistochemie und Biochemie am Institut für Pathologische Anatomie der LKA Salzburg (10/1992 bis 12/2001). 1995-2001 ehrenamtlich Generalsekretär der Koordinationsstelle für Grund- und Grenzfragen der Medizin (Medical Research Coordination Center) der Universität und des Landes Salzburg. Institutsvorstand des Forschungsinstituts für Grund- und Grenzfragen der Medizin und Biotechnologie (IGGMB) am St. Johanns-Spital / Landeskrankenhaus Salzburg - Universitätsklinikum der Paracelsus Medizinischen Privatuniversität der Salzburger Landeskliniken 2002-2009. Forschungskarenz für wissenschaftliche Projekte in den USA und der VR China; Zusatzfokus auf Hypnose- und Trance-Techniken (u.a. University of Shantou Medical Faculty) (2009-2015). Verleihung des "Großen Ehrenzeichens für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich" durch den österreichischen Bundespräsidenten, Herrn Dr. Heinz Fischer (2-2007). Mai 2000: Persönliche Einladung zur Teilnahme am Dialog-Kongress "Human Search for Truth" im Vatikan durch Kardinal Poupard, Pontificium Consilium de Cultura, mit Privat-Audienz bei Papst Johannes Paul II. und Sprechen eines Gebets der deutschsprachigen Wissenschaftler im Petersdom in Rom. 2004-2010 Consultant für
Molekularmorphologie und Medizin-Ethik der Peking University (PKU),
School of Basic Medical Sciences,
VR China. Standing Invitation als Guest
Professor der Peking University.
Zusammenarbeit in Fragen der Medizinethik
und der Gentechnologie mit dem Bundesministerum für
Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur
in Wien. Mitglied im Wissenschaftsbeirat
der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Ernährungsoptimierung (2005-2008).
Mitglied im Wissenschaftsbeirat
der Europäischen Akademie
für Lebensforschung, Integration
und Zivilgesellschaft - EALIZ,
Europäische Weiterbildungs-,
Forschungs- und Entwicklungsstelle
für die Grundfragen des Lebens
im geeinten Europa / Ethik in den
Wissenschaften in Österreich (2006-2008). Gutachter und Mitglied in Doktorats-Prüfungskommisionen der Medizinischen
Fakultät der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (2010-2011). Weitere Stationen, jeweils auf Einladung: National Institute of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland, USA (5/85). Seit 1985 Lehrbeauftragter der Universität Salzburg. Universitätskliniken Uppsala und Karolinska-Hospital, Stockholm, Schweden (3-5/85; 5/90, 5-6/92; 5-6/93; 6/94; 9/95; 5/96; 8/99). University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA (6/86). State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook, NY, USA (8/88; 3/92). University of Hong Kong (5/89). Gastprofessor der Fourth Military Medical University of Xian, Shaanxi, VR China (5-6/89; 10/91). Deborah Research Institute, Browns Mills, NJ, USA, als "Visiting Professor" (7-8/93). Eingeladene Vortragstour in die Volksrepublik China (Xi'an, Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai) als Delegierter der International Academy of Pediatric Pathology (10/94). Karl-Marx-University Leipzig, DDR, (3/88); 8th World Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Washington, D.C., USA (8/88); Congress of the European Society of Comparative Endocrinology, Salzburg (5/89); European Congress of Cytology in Leipzig, DDR (9/90); ACO-Symposium on "Diagnosis and Treatment of Neuroendocrine Tumors", St. Wolfgang am Wolfgangsee, (9/91); Endocrine Pathology Course of the London Hammersmith Hospital (2/94); World Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, Hong Kong (10/94); Congress of the Microscopical Society of America (MSA) in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (8/96); Congress of the Italian Microscopical Society, Cagliari, Sardinien, Italien (5/97). Seit 1995 Forschung zu Grenzfragen der Medizin, Biotechnologie, Ethik und allgemeiner Grenzfragen des Lebens. Organisation,
Moderation und Sprecher bei Podiumsdiskussionen
und Seminaren zu "Grenzfragen-Themen" der
Medizin, wie "Sterben in Würde", "Palliative
Care", "Krebsgene und Tumorviren:
Ist Krebs vorhersagbar? Medizinische
Möglichkeiten, ethische,
gesellschaftliche und rechtliche
Konsequenzen" und "Ethik
in der Medizin" sowie zu verschiedenen
Themen der Stress- und Störzonenforschung: Geopathische
Störzonen ("Wasseradern" usw.)
und deren Wirkung auf den Menschen, Möglichkeiten der
Einflüsse elektromagnetischer
Felder auf den Menschen. Spirituelle Trance zur Erforschung von Reinkarnation. Mitwirkung im Kino-Dokumentarfilm "Am Anfang war das Licht" von Regisseur P.A. STRAUBINGER (ORF), Allegro-Film & Thim Film Wien (2010) - international erfolgreichster Film des Jahres 2010 (Österreich, Deutschland, Schweiz, Frankreich (Filmtitel Lumière), Spanien, (Filmtitel Vivir de la Luz), Japan, Brasilien u.a.. Platz 3 im All-Time-Ranking der erfolgreichsten Dokus der gesamten österreichischen Filmgeschichte. Produzent: Helmut Grasser ("We Feed the World", "Let's Make Money"). Vorführungen bei den Filmfestspielen in Cannes (2010), der Berlinale (2011), am internationalen Filmfest München (2011), im Festival des österreichischen Films, Diagonale, Graz (2011) u.a. Filmpreise: "Goldenes Ticket"; "Coscmic Cine Award" in Bronze u.a. Top-Position in Deutschland im Nov. auf dem sensationellen 9. Platz der Arthouse Filmcharts. Seit März 2011 auch auf DVD und Blu-Ray Disk (HDTV-Auflösung). Ausstrahlung im Hauptabendprogramm des österreichischen Fernsehsenders ORF-1 (6.3.2013).
Hacker G.W.: Somatostatin-haltige Zellen im gastro-entero-pankreatischen endokrinen System von Xenopus laevis . Dissertation zur Erreichung des Doktorgrades an der Universität Salzburg. Österreich. 165 Seiten, 1982. (Somatostatin-containing cells in the gastro-entero-pancreatic endocrine system of Xenopus laevis . Doctor's thesis at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Salzburg, Austria. 165 pages, 1982). Hacker G.W., Pohlhammer K., Breitfuß A., Adam H.: Somatostatin-immunreaktive Zellen und deren Lageverteilung im Gastro-Intestinal-Trakt von Xenopus laevis, dargestellt mit einem Mikrocomputer. (Somatostatin-immunoreactive cells and their positional distribution in the gastro-intestinal tract of Xenopus laevis, demonstrated by use of a microcomputer). Original paper, Mikroskopie (Vienna) 39: 333-345 (1982). Hacker G.W., Pohlhammer K., Breitfuß A., Adam H.: Somatostatin-immunoreactive cells in the gastro-entero-pancreatic endocrine system of Xenopus laevis . Original paper, Z. Mikrosk.-Anatom. Forsch. (Leipzig) 97: 929-940 (1983). Stilianu L., Hacker G.W.: Gastrin- und Somatostatin-immunreaktive Zellen - Eine immuncytochemische und morphometrische Untersuchung menschlicher Antrumbiopsien. (Gastrin- and somatostatin-immunoreactive cells in antrum biopsies - an immunocytochemical and morphometrical examination). Original paper, Acta Chirurgica Austriaca, Suppl. 57: 1-11 (1983). Kerschbaum H., Pohlhammer K., Hacker G.W., Treiblmayr K., Adam H.: Beta-Endorphin-ähnliche Immunreaktivität bei Crenobia alpina (Turbellaria, Tricladida). (Beta-endorphin-like immunoreactivity in Crenobia alpina (Turbellaria, Tricladida)). Original paper, Mikroskopie (Vienna) 41: 30-33 (1984). Springall D.R., Hacker G.W., Grimelius L., Polak J.M.: The potential of the immunogold-silver staining method for paraffin sections. Original paper, Histochemistry 81: 603-608 (1984). Hacker G.W., Tontsch U., Kerschbaum H., Pohlhammer K., Adam H.: Identification of cells immunoreactive to antisera against porcine pancreatic glucagon in the gastro-intestinal tract of Xenopus laevis . Original paper, Z. Mikrosk.-Anatom. Forsch. (Leipzig) 99: 663-670 (1985). Hacker G.W., Springall D. R., Van Noorden S., Bishop A. E., Grimelius L, Polak J.M. The immunogold-silver staining method - a powerful tool in histopathology. Original paper, Virchows Arch. (Pathol. Anat.) 406: 449-461 (1985). Inyama C.O., Hacker G.W., Gu J., Dahl D., Bloom S.R., Polak J.M.: Cytochemical relationships in the paracervical ganglion (Frankenhäuser) of rat studied by immuno-cytochemistry. Original paper, Neuroscience Letters 55: 311-316 (1985). Hölbling N., El-Kalak H., Georgopoulos A., Stilianu L., Hacker G.W.: Phospholipase-A1 and -A2 in experimental acute pancreatitis in rats. Original paper, Res. Exp. Med. 185: 131-137 (1985). Hacker G.W., Polak J.M., Springall D.R., Ballesta J., Cadieux A., Gu J., Trojanowski J.Q., Dahl D., Marangos P.J.: Antibodies to neurofilament proteins and other brain proteins reveal the innervation of peripheral organs. Original paper, Histochemistry 82: 581-593 (1985). Lackie P. M., Hennessy R. J., Hacker G.W., Polak J. M.: Investigation of immunogold-silver staining by electron microscopy. Original paper, Histochemistry 83: 545-550 (1985). Gulbenkian S., Wharton J., Hacker G.W., Varndell I.M., Bloom S.R., Polak J.M.: Co-localisation of neuropeptide tyrosine (NPY) and its C-terminal flanking peptide (CPON). Original paper, Peptides 6: 1237-1243 (1985). Hacker G.W.: Investigations into the use of the immunogold-silver staining method for the demonstration of regulatory peptides and other markers in normal and diseased tissues. Dissertation / Thesis for the "Diploma in Endocrinology (Pathology)" of the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, University of London, Hammersmith Hospital, Department of Histochemistry. 101 pages, 1985. Hacker G.W., Polak J.M., Springall D.R., Tang S.-K., Van Noorden S., Lackie P., PGrimelius L., Adam H.: Immunogold-Silver Staining (IGSS) - Eine Übersicht. (Immunogold-silver staining (IGSS) - a review). Original paper, Mikroskopie (Vienna) 42: 318-325 (1985). De Mey, Hacker G.W. , DeWaele M., Springall D.R.: Gold probes in light microscopy. Book chapter in: Immunocytochemistry - Modern Methods and Applications. 2nd edn., Polak J.M. and Van Noorden S. (eds.), Wright PSG, Bristol, UK, and Littleton, USA. 71-88 (1986). Published on invitation. Bauer F.E., Christofides N.D., Hacker G.W., Blank M.A., Polak J.M., Bloom S.R.: Distribution of galanin immunoreactivity in the genitourinary tract of man and rat. Original paper, Peptides 7: 5-10 (1986). Bauer F.E., Hacker G.W., Terenghi G., Varndell I.M., Adrian T.E., Polak J.M., Bloom P PS.R.: Localisation and molecular forms of a novel gastrointestinal peptide, galanin, in phaeochromocytoma and adrenal glands. Original paper, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 63: 1372-1378 (1986). Westermark K., Lundqvist M., Hacker G.W., Karlsson A., Westermark B.: Growth factor receptors in thyroid follicle cells. Original paper, Acta Endocrinol. (Copenh.) Suppl. 281: 252-255 (1987). Hacker G.W., Bishop A.E., Terenghi G., Varndell I.M., Aghahowa J., Pollard K., Thurner J., Polak J.M.: Multiple peptide production and presence of general neuroendocrine markers detected in 12 cases of human phaeochromocytomas and in mammalian adrenal glands. Original paper, Virchows Arch. A Pathol. Anat. Histopathol. 412: 399-411 (1988). Hacker G.W., Grimelius L., Danscher G., Bernatzky G., Muss W., Adam H., Thurner J.: Silver acetate autometallography: an alternative enhancement technique for immunogold-silver staining (IGSS) and silver amplification of gold, silver, mercury and zinc in tissues. Original paper, J. Histotechnol. 11: 213-221 (1988). Bernatzky G., Hacker G.W., Hofmann W., Saria A., Kullich W., Adam H.: Einfluss von Radon und Radon-Zerfallsprodukten auf das peptiderge System. (Influence of Radon and Radon progeny on the peptidergic system). Original paper, Z. Phys. Med. Baln. Med. Klim.: 39-46 (1988). Hacker G.W.: Silver enhanced colloidal gold for light microscopy. Book chapter in: Colloidal gold: principles, methods, and applications, Vol. 1. Hayat M.A. (ed.), Academic Press, Orlando, USA: 297-321 (1989). Published on invitation and Habilitation Thesis (1988). Hacker G.W., Kronberger C., Albegger K., Wittauer U., Graf A.-H., Thurner J., Bernatzky G.: Regulatorische Peptide und generelle neuroendokrine Marker in der menschlichen Nasenschleimhaut - eine immuncytochemische Studie. (Regulatory peptides and general neuroendocrine markers in the human nasal mucosa - an immunocytochemical study). Original paper, Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, Suppl. 104: 71-73 (1989). Thurner J.E. Jr., Graf A.-H., Walter A., Hacker G.W.: Small bleeding haemangiosarcoma of the jejunum - case report and immunocytochemical findings. Original paper, The J. Histotechnol. 13: 141-145 (1990). Hacker G.W., Bernatzky G., Graf A.-H., Hölbling N., Stilianu L., Payreder M.H., Miller K., Thurner J., Adam H.: Gastrin- and somatostatin-immunreactive cells of the antral mucosa in patients with duodenal or gastric ulcers: an immunocytochemical study. Original paper, Path. Res. Prac. 186, 723-731 (1990). Hacker G.W., Graf A.-H., Thurner J.: Anwendung der Silberacetat-Autometallographie in der Histopathologie: Eine neue Darstellungsmethode zur Verwendung in Immunogold-Silver Staining, Lektin-Histochemie und in situ -Hybridisierung. (Application of silver acetate autometallography in histopathology: a new detection method for use in immunogold-silver staining, lectin histochemistry and in situ hybridization). Book chapter in: Verh. Dtsch. Ges. Path. 74, 368-372 (1990). Bernatzky G., Saria A., Holzleithner H., Kronberger C., Blum F., Hacker G.W., Kullich W., Leiner G., Adam H.: Auswirkungen niedrig dosierter ionisierender Strahlung auf regulatorische Peptide im Blut und in Geweben. (Effects of low dosage ionizing radiation on regulatory peptides in blood and other tissues). Original paper, Z. Phys. Med. Baln. Med. Klim. (Supplement 2) 19, 36-53 (1990). Hacker G.W., Danscher G., Graf A.-H., Bernatzky G., Schiechl A., Grimelius L.: The use of silver acetate autometallography and in the detection of catalytic tissue metals and colloidal gold particles bound to macromolecules. Original paper, Progr. Histochem. Cytochem. 23, 286-290 (1991). Albegger K., Hauser-Kronberger C.E., Saria A., Graf A.-H., Bernatzky G., Hacker G.W.: Regulatory peptides and general neuroendocrine markers in the human nasal mucosa, the soft palate, and the larynx. Original paper, Acta Otolaryngol. (Stockh.) 111, 373-378 (1991). Hauser-Kronberger C.E., Hacker G.W. , Saria A., Graf A.-H., Albegger K.: Regulatorische Peptide und generelle neuroendokrine Marker im oberen Respirationstrakt des Menschen. (Regulatory peptides and general neuroendocrine markers in the upper respiratory system of man). Original paper, Allergologie 14/6, 224-230 (1991). Hacker G.W., Graf A.-H.: Mammakarzinom: Neue histochemische Techniken der Diagnosik, Therapieplanung und Prognostik: Bestimmung von Steroidrezeptoren, Proliferationsrate, Onkoproteinen und DNA-Ploidie. (Breast cancer: new histochemical techniques in diagnosis, therapy decision and prognosis. Determination of steroid receptors, proliferation index, oncoproteins and DNA ploidy). Review article, Der Praktische Arzt (Vienna) 652: 1169-1183 (1991). Jovanovic R., Hacker G.W. , Falkmer U.G., Falkmer St., Mendel L., Graf A.-H., Kanjuh V., Silfverswärd C., Grimelius L.: Paragangliomas: neuroendocrine features and cytometric DNA distribution patterns. Original paper, Virchows Archiv A Pathol. Anat. 419: 455-461 (1991). Rovan E., Fiebiger E., Hacker G.W., Kalla N.R., Frick J.: Effect of anti-LHRH vaccine on serum testosterone and pituitary gonadotrophs evaluated by immuno-cytochemistry. Book chapter in: Immunology - perspectives in reproduction and infection - A Festschrift Volume in honor of Prof. G.P. Talwar, Gupta S.K. (ed.), New Delhi, India, Chapter 31, 215-225 (1991). Published on invitation. Albegger K, Hauser C., Hacker G.W. , Saria A.: Regulatorische Peptide im menschlichen Kehlkopf. (Regulatory peptides in the human larynx). Mini-Paper, Arch. Otorhinolaryngol. Suppl. II: 112-113 (1991). Hacker G.W.: Immunogold-Silber-Färbung (IGSS) und Silberacetat-Autometallographie: Neue Techniken zur Verwendung in der Immuncytochemie und verwandten Methoden. (Immunogold-silver staining (IGSS) and silver acetate autometallography: new techniques or use in immunocytochemistry and related techniques). Original paper, Gegenbaurs Morphol. Jahrb. Leipzig 137, 1-9 (1991). Hauser-Kronberger C.E., Albegger K., Saria A., Hacker G.W.: Neuropeptides in the human salivary (submandibular and parotid) glands. Original paper, Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 112: 343-348 (1992). Hauser-Kronberger C.E, Hacker G.W., Sundler F., Thurner J., Albegger K.: Distribution and co-localization of immunoreactive helospectin with vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and peptide histidine methionine in human nasal mucosa, soft palate and larynx. Original paper, Eur. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol.249: 201-205 (1992). Hauser-Kronberger C., Saria A., Hacker G.W.: Die peptiderge Innervation menschlicher Speicheldrüsen (Gl. parotis und submandibularis). (Peptidergic innervation of human salivary glands (parotid and submandibular gland). Original paper, HNO 40: 429-436 (1992). Hacker G.W.: Anwendung von Immunogold-Silver Staining (IGSS) und Silberacetat-Autometallographie im histopatho-logischen Routinelabor. (The use of immunogold-silver staining (IGSS) and silver acetate autometallo-graphy in the histopathological routine laboratory). Review article, TA 7, 579-586 (1992). Published on invitation. Zehbe I., Hacker G.W., Sällström J., Rylander E., Wilander E.: In situ polymerase chain reaction ( in situ PCR) combined with immunoperoxidase staining and immunogold-silver staining (IGSS) techniques. Detection of single copies of HPV in SiHa cells. Original paper, Anticancer Res. 12, 2165-2168 (1992). Hauser-Kronberger C., Albegger K., Saria A., Hacker G.W.: Regulatory peptides in the human larynx and recurrent nerves. Original paper, Acta Otolaryngol. (Stockh.) 113, 409-413 (1993). Hauser-Kronberger C., Hacker G.W., Muss W., Saria A., Albegger K.: Autonomic and peptidergic innervation of the human nasal mucosa. Original paper, Acta Otolaryngol. (Stockh.) 113, 387-393 (1993). Hacker G.W., Graf A.-H., Hauser-Kronberger C., Wirnsberger G., Schiechl A., Bernatzky G., Sonnleitner-Wittauer U., Su H., Adam H., Thurner J., Danscher G., Grimelius L.: Application of silver acetate autometallography and gold-silver staining methods for in situ DNA hybridization. Leading original paper in: Chinese Medical Journal 106, 83-92 (1993). Albegger K., Hauser-Kronberger C., Hacker G.W.: Neuropeptide in der menschlichen Zunge. (Neuropeptides in the human tongue). Mini-Review, Verhandlungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie, Teil II. Sitzungsbericht, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 147-148 (1993). Danscher G., Hacker G.W., Grimelius L., Norgaard J.O.R.: Autometallographic silver amplification of colloidal gold. Review article, published on invitation: J. Histotechnol. (USA) 16, 201-207 (1993). Kerschbaum H.H., Sonnleitner-Wittauer U., Hacker G.W., Hermann A.: NPY- and C-PON-immunoreactive substances in the central nervous system of the terrestrial snail Helix pomatia . Original paper, Tissue & Cell 25, 563-572 (1993). Hacker G.W., Graf A.-H.: Urinary System. Book chapter 14 in: A Textbook of Histology. Su H.C. (ed.), China Science and Technology Press, Beijing, PR China, 161-175 (1993). On invitation. Graf A.-H., Hacker G.W.: Female reproductive system. Book chapter 19 in: A Textbook of Histology. Su H.C. (ed.), China Science and Technology Press, Beijing, PR China, 227-240 (1993). On invitation. Albegger K., Hauser-Kronberger C., Hacker G.W., Frick J.: Schwellkörper von Nase und Penis: Ein immunzytochemischer und radioimmunologischer Vergleich. Minipaper, Verhandlungsbericht 1993 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie, H. Feldmann and E. Stennert (eds.), Teil II: Sitzungsbericht, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 132-133 (1993). Hauser-Kronberger C., Hacker GW., Albegger K., Dietze O.: Neuropeptide im oberen Atemtrakt des Menschen. (Neuropeptides in the upper respiratory tract of man.) Original paper, Atemw.-Lungenkrkh. 20, 96-111 (1994). On invitation. Hauser-Kronberger C., Hacker G.W., Albegger K., Saria A., Muss W.H., Schlöhmicher-Thier J., Dietze O.: Die autonome und peptiderge Innervation des menschlichen Kehlkopfes. (Review on the autonomic and peptidergic innervation of the human larynx.) HNO 42, 89-98 (1994). On Invitation. Hauser-Kronberger C.E., Hacker G.W., Muss W.H., Albegger K.: Neuropeptide in der menschlichen Nasenschleimhaut. (Neuropeptides in the human nasal mucosa). Original paper, Allergologie 17: 183-196 (1994). Hacker G.W., Zehbe I., Hauser-Kronberger C., Dietze O.: Detection of nucleic acids by immunogold-silver staining (IGSS), fluorescent-, peroxidase- and alkaline phosphatase-based methods. Review article in: Congress-Volume, Second International Workshop on Modern Methods in Analytical Morphology, featuring In situ Polymerase Chain Reaction, Orlando, FL, USA: 35-37 (1994). On invitation. Zehbe I., Hacker G.W., Sällström J., Muss W.H., Hauser-Kronberger C., Rylander E., Wilander E.: Polymerase chain reaction in situ hybridization (PISH) and in situ self-sustained sequence replication based amplification ( in situ 3SR). Original paper. In: Congress-Volume, Second International Workshop on Modern Methods in Analytical Morphology, featuring In situ Polymerase Chain Reaction, Orlando, FL, USA (1994). On invitation. Hauser-Kronberger C., Hacker G.W., Dietze O.: PGP-9.5 in human penile cavernous body. Cover Photograph in: Cell Vision 1 (1): Title page and 7 (1994). On invitation. Zehbe I., Hacker G.W., Sällström J., Rylander E., Wilander E.: Self-sustained sequence replication-based amplification (3SR) for the in situ detection of mRNA in cultured cells. Original paper, Cell Vision 1 (1): 20-24 (1994). Hacker G.W., Zehbe I., Hauser-Kronberger C., Gu J., Graf A.-H., Dietze O.: In situ detection of DNA and mRNA sequences by immunogold-silver staining (IGSS). Original paper, Cell Vision 1 (1): 30-37 (1994). On invitation. Sonnleitner-Wittauer U., Graf A.-H., Hacker G.W., Arimura A., Sundler F., Spitzer D., Adam H., Dietze O.: Detection of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) and helospectin in human ovary: coexpression with vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and peptide histidine methionine (PHM). Original paper, Cell Vision 1 (1): 39-43 (1994). Zehbe I., Hacker G.W., Sällström J.F., Muss W., Hauser-Kronberger W., Rylander E., Wilander E.: PCR in situ hybridization (PISH) and in situ self-sustained sequence replication-based amplification ( in situ 3SR). Original paper, Cell Vision 1 (1): 46-47 (1994). On invitation. Hacker G.W., Zehbe I., Hauser-Kronberger C., Dietze O.: Detection of nucleic acids by immunogold-silver staining (IGSS), fluorescent-, peroxidase- and alkaline phosphatase-based methods. Minipaper, published on invitation: Cell Vision 1 (1): 71-73 (1994). Rufner R., Hacker G.W. , Forte M., Carson N.E., Xenachis C., Gu J.: Detection of atrial natriuretic peptides (ANP) in rat atria by immunogold-silver staining (IGSS). Minipaper, Proc. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Microscopy Society of America and the 29th Annual Meeting of the Microbeam Analysis Society, MSA: 304-305 (1994). Hacker G.W., Danscher G.: Recent advances in immunogold-silver staining (IGSS) – autometallography. Review, published on invitation: Cell Vision 1 (2): 102-109 (1994). Zehbe I., Sällström J., Hacker G.W., Rylander E., Wilander E.: Indirect and direct in situ PCR for the detection of human papillomavirus. An evaluation of two methods and a double staining system. Original paper, Cell Vision 1 (2): 163-167 (1994). Rosen A.C., Graf A.-H., Klein M., Lahousen M., Vavra N., Reiner A., Hacker G.W.: DNA ploidy in primary Fallopian tube carcinoma using image cytometry. Original paper, Int. J. Cancer 59: 362-365 (1994). Pikula B., Hauser-Kronberger C., Muss W.H., Hacker G.W., Dietze O.: Peptidergic innervation of the rat liver. Original paper, Cell Vision 1 (3): 227-236 (1994). Graf A.-H., Schiechl A., Hacker G.W., Rosen A.C., Klein M., Dietze O., Staudach A.: Neuroendocrine differentiation in primary Fallopian tube carcinoma. Original paper, Cell Vision 1 (3): 237-242 (1994). Gu J., Hacker G.W.: Book Editor of: Modern Methods in Analytical Morphology. Plenum Press, New York, USA: 445 pages (1994). Gu J., Hacker G.W.: Preface to: Modern Methods in Analytical Morphology. Plenum Press, New York, USA, page v (1994). Grimelius L., Su H., Hacker G.W.: The use of silver stains in the identification of neuroendocrine cell types. Book chapter in: Modern Methods in Analytical Morphology. Gu J., Hacker G.W. (eds.), Plenum Press, New York, USA, chapter 1: 1-8 (1994). Hacker G.W., Hauser-Kronberger C., Graf A.-H., Danscher G., Gu J., Grimelius L.: Immunogold-silver staining (IGSS) for detection of antigenic sites and DNA sequences. Book chapter in: Modern Methods in Analytical Morphology. Gu J., and Hacker G.W., eds., Plenum-Press, New York, USA, chapter 3: 19-35 (1994). Hauser-Kronberger C., Hacker G.W.: Single and multiple immunofluorescence methods - an overview. Book chapter in: Modern Methods in Analytical Morphology. Gu J., Hacker G.W. (eds.), Plenum Press, New York, USA, chapter 4: 37-50 (1994). Hacker G.W., Graf A.-H., Dietze O.: Basic principles of immunohistopathology. Book chapter in: Modern Methods in Analytical Morphology. Gu J., Hacker G.W. (eds.), Plenum Press, New York, USA, chapter 7: 81-112 (1994). Arrer E., Hacker G.W., Schiechl A., Gu J.: Principles of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Book chapter in: Modern Methods in Analytical Morphology. Gu J., Hacker G.W. (eds.), Plenum Press, New York, USA, chapter 17: 283-295 (1994). Zehbe I., Sällström J., Hacker G.W., Rylander E., Strand A., Graf A.-H., Wilander E.: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in situ hybridization: detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA in SiHa cell monolayers. Book chapter in: Modern Methods in Analytical Morphology. Gu J., Hacker G.W. (eds.), Plenum Press, New York, USA, chapter 18: 297-306 (1994). Su H., Gu J., Hacker G.W.: Axonal transport tracing combined with immunocytochemistry Book chapter in: Modern Methods in Analytical Morphology. Gu J., Hacker G.W. (eds.), Plenum Press, New York, USA, chapter 19: 307-325 (1994). Mack D., Hacker G.W.: DNA-ploidy measured by image cytometry. Book chapter in: Modern Methods in Analytical Morphology. Gu J., Hacker G.W. (eds.), Plenum Press, New York, USA, chapter 23: 381-393 (1994). Hauser-Kronberger C., Hacker G.W., Mack D., Dietze O., Arimura T., Sundler F., Frick J.: Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide (PACAP), helospectin, peptide histidine methionine (PHM) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP): an immunocytochemical evaluation on the occurrence of VIP-related peptides employing double immunostaining techniques. Original paper, Cell Vision 1/4: 319-323 (1994). Hauser-Kronberger C., Frick J., Dietze O., Hacker G.W.: Detection of nerve fibers in the human penis. Cover Photograph in: J. Androl.15, Title page (1994). Hauser-Kronberger C., Hacker G.W., Graf A.-H., Mack D., Dietze O., Frick J.: Neuropeptides in the human penis: an immunocytochemical and radioimmunological study. Original Paper, J. Androl. 15: 510-520 (1994). Rosen A.C., Graf A.-H., Hacker G.W., Klein M.: Prognostic impact of DNA content and a classification system for ploidy (AUER-classification) in primary Fallopian tube carcinoma (FTC). Letter, Europ. J. Cancer. 30A: 1907-1908 (1994). Pikula B., Savjak D., Muss W.H., Hacker G.W., Amidzic L.J., Hauser-Kronberger C., Malesevic D., Dietze O.: Individual differences between nuclear parameters of normal and malignant breast epithelium. Original paper, Zentralbl. Pathol. 140: 323-350 (1994). Savjak D., Pikula B., Muss W.H., Hacker G.W., Amidzic L.J., Hauser- Kronberger C., Lelic-Marinovic M., Dietze O.: Stereologic parameters of nuclear ultrastructure as markers for the steroid receptor status in breast cancer epithelium. Original paper, Pathology, Research, and Practice 190: 1162-1168 (1994). H. Prömer, Hacker G.W., Falkmer U., Dietze O., Heiss O., Staudach A.: Image cytometric DNA ploidy as a tool for more objectivity in gynecological cytology. Original paper, Cell Vision 2: 28-33 (1995). Graf A.-H., Schiechl A., Hacker G.W., Hauser-Kronberger C., Steiner H., Arimura A., Sundler F., Staudach A, Dietze O.: Helospectin and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) in the human vagina. Original paper, Regul. Peptides 55: 277-286 (1995). Hacker G.W., Graf A.-H., Hauser-Kronberger C., Dietze O.: Detection of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in reactive astrocytes of human brain by immunogold-silver staining with silver acetate autometallography. Cover Photograph in: Cell Vision 2 (2): Title page and 93 (1995) Falkmer U.G., Hacker G.W.: Standardization and practical guidelines of image DNA cytometry in clinical oncology. Review on invitation, Cell Vision 2(3): 133-141 (1995). Zehbe I., Hacker G.W., Rylander E., Dietze O., Hauser-Kronberger C., Wilander E.: Protocol: Polymerase chain reaction in situ hybridization (PISH) (indirect in situ PCR) with immunogold-silver detection of human papillomavirus (HPV). A new, highly sensitive strategy to evaluate the presence of DNA sequences by microscopy. Review article and laboratory manual, published on invitation in: Boehringer Mannheim PCR Applications Manual: 107-112 (1995). Rosen A.C., Graf A.-H., Hacker G.W., Klein M., Lahousen M., Vavra N., Reiner A.: Prognostic impact of DNA content and AUER classification in primary fallopian tube carcinoma. Original paper, Cancer Letters 92, 97-103 (1995). Zehbe I., Hacker G.W., Sällström J.F., Muss W., Hauser-Kronberger C., Wilander E.: In situ PCR and enzyme-driven in situ amplification ( in situ 3SR) for the detection of viral DNA and mRNA. Minipaper, published on invitation, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Modern Methods in Analytical Morphology, Showboat Hotel, Atlantic City, NJ (USA), June 5-9 (1995): 39-41. Hacker G.W., Zehbe I., Muss W.H., Hauser-Kronberger C., Graf A.-H., Dietze O.: Immunogold-silver staining detection of in situ molecular biological reaction sites. Original paper, published on invitation, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Modern Methods in Analytical Morphology, Showboat Hotel, Atlantic City, NJ (USA), June 5-9 (1995): 64-70. Hacker G.W., Zehbe I., Hauser-Kronberger C.: In situ PCR for human papillomavirus combined with immunohistochemistry for cytokeratins in human flat condyloma. Invited Cover Photograph in: In situ polymerase chain reaction and related technology, Jiang Gu (editor), Eaton Publishing, Natick, NJ, and Birkhäuser, Boston, MA (USA) (1995). Zehbe I., Hacker G.W., Sällström J.F., Muss W., Hauser-Kronberger C., Wilander E.: In situ PCR and enzyme-driven in situ amplification ( in situ 3SR) for the detection of viral DNA and mRNA. Original paper, Cell Vision 2 (3): 240-242 (1995). Hacker G.W., Zehbe I., Muss W.H., Hauser-Kronberger C., Graf A.-H., Dietze O.: Immunogold-silver staining detection of in situ molecular biological reaction sites. Original paper, Cell Vision 2 (3): 247-253 (1995). Klein M., Graf A.-H., Hütter W., Hacker G.W., Staudach A., Kiss H., Egarter C., Husslein P.: Proliferative activity in ectopic trophoblastic tissue. Original paper, Human Reproduction 10 (1995). Rufner R., Carson N.E., Forte M., Danscher G., Gu J., Hacker G.W.: Autometallography for immunogold-silver staining in light and electron microscopy. Original paper, Cell Vision 2 (4), 327-333 (1995). Danscher G., Hacker G.W., Hauser-Kronberger C., Grimelius L.: Trends in autometallographic silver amplification of colloidal gold particles. Book chapter: Chapter 1 in: Immunogold-silver staining: methods and applications, M.A. Hayat (ed.), CRC-Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 11-18 (1995). Published on invitation. Hacker G.W., Danscher G., Grimelius L., Hauser-Kronberger C., Muss W.H., Schiechl A., Gu J., Dietze O.: Silver staining techniques, with special reference to the use of different silver salts in light- and electron microscopical immunogold-silver staining. Book chapter: Chapter 2 in: Immunogold-silver staining: methods and applications, M.A. Hayat (ed.), CRC-Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 20-45 (1995). Published on invitation. Gu J., Forte M., Carson N., Hacker G.W., D'Andrea M., Rufner R., : Quantitative evaluation of immunogold-silver staining. Book chapter: Chapter 7 in: Immunogold-silver staining: methods and applications, M.A. Hayat (ed.), CRC-Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 119-136 (1995). Published on invitation. Hauser-Kronberger C., Hacker G.W., Arrer E., Danscher G.: Non-microscopical colloidal gold autometallography (AMG Au ): use of immunogold-silver staining in blot staining and immunoassay. Book chapter: Chapter 19 in: Immunogold-silver staining: methods and applications, M.A. Hayat (ed.), CRC-Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 289-297 (1995). Published on invitation. Hacker G.W., Danscher G., Gu J., Hauser-Kronberger C., Muss W.H., Rufner R., Carson N.E., Xenachis C., Forte M., Dietze O.: Autometallography and its use in electron microscopy. Book chapter on invitation in: Beitraege zur Elektronenmikroskopischen Direktabbildung und Analyse von Oberflächen: (BEDO) Band 26: 129-143 (dated 1993, published in 1995). Zehbe I., Sällström J.F., Hacker G.W., Rylander E., Wilander E.: In situ PCR for the detection of human papillomavirus in cells and tissue sections. Book chapter, published on invitation in: In situ Polymerase Chain Reaction and Related Techniques for Morphologists. Gu J. (ed.), Eaton Press, Natick, NJ, USA, and Birkhäuser, Boston, Basel, Berlin: 69-75 (1995). Hacker G.W., Zehbe I., Hauser-Kronberger C., Gu J., Graf Angelika, Grimelius L., Dietze O.: Sensitive detection of DNA and mRNA sequences by in situ hybridization and immunogold-silver staining (IGSS). Book chapter, published on invitation in: In situ Polymerase Chain Reaction and Related Techniques for Morphologists. Gu J. (ed.), Eaton Press, Natick, NJ, USA, and Birkhäuser, Boston, Basel, Berlin: 113-130 (1995). Hauser-Kronberger C., Hacker G.W., Kummer W., Albegger K.: Regulatory peptides in the human soft palate. Original paper, Eur. Arch. Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 478-484 (1995). Kaufmann W., Kerschbaum H.H., Hauser-Kronberger C., Hacker G.W., Hermann A.: Distribution and seasonal variation of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-like peptides in the nervous system of Helix pomatia. Original paper, Brain Research 695: 125-136 (1995). Li Q., Hacker G.W., Danscher G., Sonnleitner-Wittauer U., Grimelius L.: Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions: a revised version of the Ag-NOR-staining technique. Original paper, Histochem. Cell Biol.104: 145-150 (1995). Graf A.-H., Hacker G.W. , Hauser-Kronberger C., Dietze O.: Detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) in condylomata acuminata by highly efficient in situ hybridization. Cover Photograph in: Cell Vision 3 (1): Title page and 5 (1996). Sonnleitner-Wittauer U., Hacker G.W., Frick J., K. Sandelin, Portela-Gomes, G.M., Johansson H., Grimelius L.: Regulatory peptides and other markers in human parathyroid adenomas and carcinomas investigated by immunogold-silver staining. Original paper, Cell Vision 3 (1): 27-34 (1996). Su H.C., Zhang Ch.-G., Huang W.-Qu., Hacker G.W.: CGRP-immunoreactive nerve fibers in superior mesenteric arteries and veins of rat. Original paper, Cell Vision 3 (1): 35-39 (1996). Graf A., Graf A.-H., Hölbling N., Su H.C., Dietze O., Hacker G.W.: Archival gastrointestinal carcinoids evaluated by immunogold-silver staining (IGSS) and histochemical silver staining techniques. Original paper, Cell Vision 3 (1): 40-46 (1996). Mack D., Hacker G.W., Neuhuber B., Schnayder C., Strasser F., Pikula B., Sonnleitner-Wittauer U., Hauser-Kronberger C., Grimelius L., Frick J., Dietze O.: Neuroendocrine differentiation in prostate carcinoma and surrounding normal and hyperplastic areas of the prostate gland. Original paper, Cell Vision 3 (2): 106-112 (1996). Hacker G.W., Zehbe I., Hainfeld J., Graf A.-H., Hauser-Kronberger C., Schiechl A., Su H., Dietze O.: High performance Nanogold™- in situ hybridization and its use in the detection of hybridized and PCR amplified microscopical preparations. Minipaper, Proceedings Microscopy and Microanalysis 1996 of the Microscopical Society of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota, edited by Bailey G.W., Corbett J.M., Dimlich R.V.W., Michael J.R., and Zaluzec N.J. San Francisco Press, SF, CA, USA (1996). Hacker G.W., Muss W.H., Hauser-Kronberger, Danscher G., Rufner R., Gu J., Su H., Andreasen A., Stoltenberg M, Dietze O.: Electron microscopical autometallography: immunogold-silver staining (IGSSS) and heavy-metal-histochemistry. Original paper, Methods (Companion Meth. Enzymol., USA) 10: 257-269 (1996). Hacker G.W., Zehbe I., Hainfeld F., Sällström J., Hauser-Kronberger C., Graf A.-H., Su H., Dietze O., Bagasra O.: High performance in situ hybridization and in situ PCR. Original paper, Cell Vision3 (3): 209-215 (1996). Hauser-Kronberger C., Hacker G.W., Albegger K., Muss W.H., Sundler F., Arimura A., Dietze O.: Distribution of two VIP-related peptides, helospectin and pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide (PACAP), in the human upper respiratory system. Original paper, Regul. Peptides 65: 203-209 (1996). Westermark K., Lundqvist M., Wallin G., Dahlman T., Hacker G.W., Heldin N.- E., Grimelius L.: EGF-receptors in human normal and pathological thyroid tissue. Original paper, Histopathology 28: 221-227 (1996). Graf A.-H., Hütter W., Hacker G.W., Steiner H., Anderson V., Staudach A., Dietze O.: Localization and distribution of vasoactive neuropeptides in the human placenta. Original paper, Placenta 17: 413-421 (1996). Hacker, G.W.: Invited Foreword on: In situ molecular biological techniques. By Su Huici (PR China). Shu's Foundation Press, Taiwan, III-IV and 453 (1996). Graf A.-H., Hacker G.W.: Human papillomavirus in condyloma acuminatum. Invited cover Photo in: In situ molecular biological techniques. By Su Huici (PR China). Shu's Foundation Press, Taiwan, Title Page and VI (1996). Hacker G.W., Muss W.H., Graf A.-H., Graf B., Hauser-Kronberger C., Dietze O., Sonnleitner-PWittauer U., Su H., Sundler F., Grimelius L.: Helodermin/helospectin-like immunoreactivity in an enterochromaffin-like cell tumor (ECLoma) of the stomach. Original paper, Cell Vision 3 (6): 424-428 (1996). Hacker G.W., Danscher G.: Immunogold-silver staining and autometallography: Recent developments and protocols. Review and laboratory manual on invitation in: Analytical Morphology - Theory, Applications and Protocols. Gu J. (ed.), Biotechniques Books, Eaton Press, Natick, NJ, USA: 41-54 and A2-A3 (1997). Falkmer U.G., Hacker G.W.: Standardization and practical guidelines of image DNA cytometry in clinical oncology. Book chapter on invitation in: Analytical Morphology - Theory, Applications and Protocols. Gu J. (ed.), Biotechniques Books, Eaton Press, Natick, NJ, USA: 245-259 and A30-A31 (1997). Hacker G.W.: Principles and recent progress of immunohistochemistry, with special emphasis on immunogold-silver staining (IGSS) techniques. Review and laboratory manual, Proceedings of the Postgraduate Course on Immunocytochemistry and In situ Hybridization, University of Aarhus, Denmark: 1-11, Feb. 1997. Hacker G.W.: In situ localization of DNA and RNA sequences: in situ PCR versus super-sensitive in situ hybridization. Review and laboratory manual, Proceedings of the Workshop on Immunocytochemistry and In situ Hybridization, University of Aarhus, Denmark: 39-49, Feb. 1997 Mack D., Hacker G.W., Hauser-Kronberger C., Frick J., Dietze O.: Vasocative intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and neuropeptide tyrosine (NPY) in prostate carcinoma. Letter, Eur. J. Cancer 33: 317-318 (1997). Kiss H., Klein M., Egarter Chr., Graf A.-H., Hacker G.W., Hütter W., Czerwenka K., Husslein P.: Proliferative cell activity in correlation to human chorionic gonadotropin release of trophoblast tissue of tubal pregnancy. Original paper, Human Reproduction 12: 383-386 (1997). Hacker G.W., Hauser-Kronberger C., Zehbe I., Su H., Schiechl A., Dietze O., Tubbs R.: In situ localization of DNA and RNA sequences: Super sensitive in situ hybridization using streptavidin-Nanogold™ silver staining: minireview, protocols and possible applications. Original paper, Cell Vision 4 (1): 54-65 (1997). Zehbe I., Hacker G.W., Su H., Hauser-Kronberger C., Hainfeld J.F., Tubbs R.: Sensitive in situ hybridization with catalyzed reporter deposition, streptavidin-Nanogold and silver acetate autometallography. Detection of single-copy human papillomavirus. Original paper, Am. J. Pathology 150 (5): 1553-1561 (1997). Zehbe I., Hacker G.W., Su H., Hauser-Kronberger C., Hainfeld J.F., Tubbs R.: Letter / author's reply on: Single copy sensitivity: In situ PCR vs. CARD Nanogold-silver methods. Am. J. Pathology 151: 1173 (1997). Sungler P., Hacker G.W., Dietze O., Boeckl O.: Der interessante Fall: Eine inkarzerierte, maligne Littrésche Hernie - Rarität in der Leistenbruchchirurgie. (The interesting case: incancerated malignant Littré's hernia - a rarity in surgery). Original paper, Acta Chirurgica Austriaca 6: 355-359 (1997). Hauser-Kronberger C., Hacker G.W., Franz P., Albegger K., Dietze O.: CGRP and substance P in intraepithelial neuronal structures in the human upper respiratory system. Original paper, Reg. Peptides 72: 79-85 (1997). Graf A.-H., Su H.C., Tubbs R.R., Hacker G.W., Dietze O., Staudach A.: Primary neuroendocrine differentiated mucinous adenocarcinoma of the vulva: case report and review of the literature. Original paper, Anticancer Research 18: 2041-2046 (1998). Hacker G.W.: High performance Nanogold TM -silver in situ hybridization. Review, Eur. J. Histochem. 42: 111-120 (1998). Published on invitation. Hacker G.W., Hauser-Kronberger C., Zehbe I., Su H., Tubbs R.: New advances in super-sensitive DNA-, RNA- and antigen detection: combination of labeled tyramides with Nanogold-silver staining (NGSS). Minipaper, Microsc. Microanal. 4 (Suppl 2: Proceedings of the MSA 1998 , Atlanta, GA, USA) 996-997 (1998). Published on invitation. Hacker G.W.: High performance Nanogold TM -silver in situ hybridization. Laboratory manual: A 13-pages handout for the MSA 1998 conference of the Microscopical Society of America, Atlanta, GA, USA, July 12-16, 1998), on invitation. Graf A.-H., Pickel H., Hacker G.W., Staudach A.: Invasives Adenokarzinom der Cervix uteri bei einem 17jährigen Mädchen - Ein Fallbericht. (Invasive adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix in a 17-year-old girl - A case report. Case report / original paper, Geburtsh. u. Frauenheilk. 58: 620-622 (1998). Tbakhi A., Totos G., Hauser-Kronberger C., Pettay J., Baunoch D., Hacker G.W., Tubbs R.R.: Fixation conditions for DNA and RNA in situ hybridization: a reassessment of molecular morphology dogma. Original paper, Am. J. Pathol. 152 (1): 35-41 (1998). Tubbs R.R., Hauser-Kronberger C., Hacker G.W.: Letter to Sano et al., regarding " In situ hybridization with biotinylated tyramide amplification". Modern Pathol. 11: 594 (1998). Hacker G.W., Graf A.-H.: Urinary System. Invited book chapter: Chapter 14 in: Human Histology. Published in Taiwan in English language: 433-443 (1998). Hacker G.W., Graf A.-H.: Urinary System. Invited book chapter: Chapter 14 in: Human Histology. Published in Taiwan, Chinese language translation: 181-197 (1998). Graf A.-H., Hacker G.W.: Female reproductive system. Invited book chapter: Chapter 19 in: Human Histology. Published in Taiwan in English language: 489-499 (1998). Graf A.-H., Hacker G.W.: Female reproductive system. Invited book chapter: Chapter 19 in: Human Histology. Published in Taiwan, Chinese language translation: 255-268 (1998). Wiesener B., Hauser-Kronberger C.E., Zipperer E., Dietze O., Menzel Chr., Hacker G.W.: p34 cdc2 in invasive breast cancer: relationship to DNA content, Ki67 index and c-erbB-2 expression. Original paper, Histopathology 33: 522-530 (1998). Hacker G.W., Zehbe I., Tubbs R.: Super sensitive in situ DNA and RNA localisation. Book chapter on invitation in: In situ Hybridization: Principles and Practice, 2nd ed., Polak J.M., Wharton J., McGee J. O'D. (eds.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K., 197-206 (1999). Hauser-Kronberger C., Cheung A.L.M., Hacker G.W., Graf A.-H., Dietze O., Frick J.: Peptidergic innervation of the human clitoris. Original paper, Peptides 20: 539-543 (1999). Cheung A.L.M., Graf A.-H., Hauser-Kronberger C., Dietze O., Tubbs R.R., Hacker G.W.: Detection of human papillomavirus in cervical carcinoma: comparison of peroxidase-, Nanogold- and CARD-Nanogold in situ hybridization. Original paper, Modern Pathology 12: 689-696 (1999). Hauser-Kronberger C., Cheung A.L.M., Tubbs R., Hacker G.W.: Recent developments in in situ hybridization, with special emphasis on Nanogold™ and catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD; tyramide signal amplification™). 7 th International Conference and Workshops on Molecular Morphology, Santa Fe, Jan 1999. Minireport of 3 pages published in the Internet at http://www.isamm.org/santafeabstract/Hauser-Kronberger,Cornelia.htm . Hainfeld J.J., Powell R.D., Stein J.K., Hacker G.W., Hauser-Kronberger C, Cheung A.L.M., Schoefer Chr.: Gold-based autometallography. Minipaper in: Microscopy and Microanalysis 5 (Suppl. 2), Proceedings of the 57 th Annual Meeting of the Microscopical Society of America., Springer-Verlag: 486-487 (1999). Also published in the Internet at http://www.nanoprobes.com/MSAGE99.html Powell R.D., Vishwas N.J., Halsey C.M.R., Hainfeld J.F., Hacker G.W., Hauser-Kronberger C., Muss W.H., Takvorian P.M.: Combined Cy3 / Nanogold conjugates for immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization. Minipaper in: Microscopy and Microanalysis 5 (Suppl. 2), Proceedings of the 57 th Annual Meeting of the Microscopical Society of America., Springer-Verlag: 478-479 (1999). Also published in the Internet at http://www.nanoprobes.com/MSAFN99.html Graf A.-H., Cheung A.L.M., Hauser-Kronberger C., Dandachi N., Tubbs R., Dietze O., Hacker G.W.: Clinical relevance of HPV 16/18 testing methods in cervical squamous cell carcinoma. Original paper, Appl. Immunohistochem. Molec. Morphol. (AIMM) 8: 300-309 (2000). Weitgasser R., Sungler P., Hauser-Kronberger C., Dietze O., Sattlegger P, Hacker G.W.: Immunohistochemical assessment of an asymptomatic glucagonoma in a patient with hypergastrinemia and marked antral angiodysplasia. Original paper, Appl. Immunohistochem. Molec. Morphol. (AIMM) 9: 92-96 (2001). Klein M., Graf A.-H., Rosen A., Hacker G.W.: Letter to the editor, "A genetic epidemiological study of carcinoma of the Fallopian tube". Gynecol. Oncol 82: 590 (2001). Dandachi N., Hauser-Kronberger C., Moré E., Wiesener B., Hacker G.W., Dietze O., Wirl G.: Co-expression of tenascin-C and vimentin in human breast cancer cells indicates phenotypic transdifferentiation during tumour progression: correlation with histopathological parameters, hormone receptors, and oncoproteins. Original paper, J. Pathol., 193: 181-189 (2001). Hacker G.W., Gu J. (eds.): Book: Gold and Silver Staining: Techniques in Molecular Morphology. CRC-Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, ISBN 0-8493-1392-9, 246 pages (April 2002). Danscher G., Hacker G.W., Stoltenberg M.: Histochemical tracing of gold, silver, bismuth, mercury, and zinc. Chapter 2 in: Hacker G.W., Gu J. (eds.): Gold and Silver Staining: Techniques in Molecular Morphology. CRC-Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 13-27 (2002). Hacker G.W., Cheung A.L.M., Tubbs R.R., Grimelius L., Danscher G., Hauser-Kronberger C.: Immunogold-silver staining for light- and electron microscopy using colloidal or clustered gold (Nanogold™). Chapter 4 in: Gold and Silver Staining: Techniques in Molecular Morphology. CRC-Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 47-70 (2002). Tubbs R.R., Pettay J., Grogan T., Cheung A.L.M., Powell R.D., Hainfeld J., Hauser-Kronberger C., Hacker G.W.: Supersensitive in situ hybridization by tyramide signal amplification and Nanogold silver staining: The contribution of autometallography and catalyzed reporter deposition to the rejuvenation of in situ hybridization. Chapter 9 in: Hacker G.W., Gu J. (eds.): Gold and Silver: Techniques in Molecular Morphology. CRC-Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 127-144 (2002). Wang B.-L., Flay N., Hacker G.W.: Immunogold-silver staining for scanning electron microscopy in cancer research. Chapter 15 in: Hacker G.W., Gu J. (eds.): Gold and Silver: Techniques in Molecular Morphology. CRC-Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 211-222 (2002). Hacker G.W., Harsieber R.: Onkogenetische Mechanismen, Krebs-Praedisposion und damit einhergehende ethische Fragestellungen. (Oncogenetic mechanisms, cancer predisposition and related ethical questions, article in German language). Book chapter in press for: Medizinische Ethik im Spannungsfeld zwischen Theorie und Praxis (Medical ethics in between theory and practice, book in German language). Unger F. and Wehowsky S. (eds.) (2003). Harsieber R., Hacker G.W.: "Menschenwürdiges Leben": Bemerkungen zu Grenzfragen der Medizin und Biotechnologie. ("Life in dignity": Remarks on Frontier Questions of Medicine and Biotechnology). Book chapter on invitation in: Der Begriff der Menschenwürde: Definition, Belastbarkeit und Grenzen. (The term of human dignity: definition, use and limitations). Peter Lang Publishing Group, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 215-234 (2004). Hainfeld J., Powell R., Hacker G.W.: Nanoparticle Molecular Labels. Book chapter in: Nanobiotechnology. Niemeyer & Mirkin, eds., Hagedorn Publishers, Viernheim, Germany, Chapter 23, 353-386 (2004). Portela-Gomes G., Hacker G.W., Weitgasser R.: Neuroendocrine cell markers for pancreatic islets and tumors. Appl. Immunohistochem. Molec. Morphol. (AIMM) 12, 183-192 (2004). Aigner, A., Jell, H., Wiebecke, A., Hacker, G.W.: Leistungsfähigkeit, Herzfrequenz und arterielle Laktatkonzentration während einer Fahrradergometrie auf einer neutralen bzw. geopathogenen Zone mit und ohne Aktivierung eines Abschirmgerätes. (Capacity, heart frequence and arterial lactate concentraion during bicycle ergonometry measured on a neurtral versus geopathogenous zone with and without activation of a shielding device.) Österreichisches Journal für Sportmedizin (Austrian Journal of Sports Medicine) 34, 18-22 (2004) Hacker G.W., Tubbs R.R. (eds.): Book: Molecular Morphology in Human Tissues: Techniques and Protocols. Book, CRC-Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 328+ pages (Dec. 2004/ 2005). Hacker G.W., Tubbs R.R.: Preface: Molecular Morphology Techniques and Their Significance in Biomedical Research and Diagnosis. In: Molecular Morphology in Human Tissues: Techniques and Protocols. Hacker G.W. and Tubbs R.R. (eds.), CRC-Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 9-11 (Dec. 2004/ 2005). Hacker G.W., Pettey, J., Tubbs R.R.: Towards molecular sensitivity: tyramide signal-amplification in molecular morphology. Book chapter in: Molecular Morphology in Human Tissues: Techniques and Protocols. Hacker G.W. and Tubbs R.R. (eds.), CRC-Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 107-122 (Dec. 2004/ 2005). Hacker G.W., Schubert V., Wollweber, L., Schwertner M., Schwertner D.: Three-dimensional full-color demonstration of brightfield and fluorescence microscopic preparations: The digital optical microscope. Book chapter in: Molecular Morphology in Human Tissues: Techniques and Protocols. Hacker G.W. and Tubbs R.R. (eds.), CRC-Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 209-224 (Dec. 2004/ 2005). Hacker G.W., Goetschel A.F., Schwamberger G.: Conscious production and purchase of reagents for molecular morphology: Methodoclogical, ethical, and legal considerations. Book chapter in: Molecular Morphology in Human Tissues: Techniques and Protocols. Hacker G.W. and Tubbs R.R. (eds.), CRC-Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 253-274 (Dec. 2004/ 2005). Hacker, G.W.: Sterbebegleitung über den Tod hinaus: Erfahrungen mit dem Salzburger Verabschiedungsraum nach drei Jahren. (Palliative care even after death: Experiences with the Salzburg Farewell Room after three years). Short paper (2 pages), Proceedings of the Int. Scientific Congress on Ethics and Science in Anthroposophic Medicine: Contributions to a Rejuvenation in Medicine, Paracelsus Hospital Richterswil / Zurich, Switzerland, May 6-8, 2004. Meierhofer D., Mayr J.A., Foetschl U., Berger A., Fink K., Schmeller N., Hacker G.W., Kofler B., Sperl W.: Decrease of mitochondrial DNA content and energy metabolism in renal cell carcinoma. Carcinogenesis 25, 1005-1010 (2004). Gu J.: Virtual Slides and Virtual Microscopy for Teaching, Research and Diagnosis. Gu, J. and Hacker G.W. (series editors), CRC-Press, Boca Raton, FL, U.S.A., 356 pages (2005). Hacker G.W., Pawlak E., Pauser G., Tichy G., Jell H., Posch G., Kraibacher G., Aigner A., Hutter J.: Biomedical evidence of influence of geopathic zones on the human body: Scientifically traceable effects and ways of harmonization. Forsch. Kompl. Med. Klass Naturhlkd. (Res. Compl. & Nature Medicine), Karger, 12: 315-327 (2005). Published online: November 8, 2005. Hacker G.W., Pauser G., Jell H., Kraibacher G., Tichy G., Posch G., Pawlak E., Aigner A., Hutter J.: Auswirkungen geopathischer Zonen und deren Harmonisierung: Biomedizinischer Nachweis und Bedeutung für Krankenhäuser. Harmonization of Stress Fields – Proof of Efficiency and Significance for Patients and Health Care Personnel. Effets et harmonisation des zones géopathiques: justification biomédicale et signification pour les hôpitaux. http://www.klinikheute.de/daten/pdf/hackergerhard_lf_dt.pdf; 1st European Conference on Hospital Technology, Baden-Baden; 5 pages, available each in German, English and French language (2005). Hacker G.W., Pauser G., Jell H., Kraibacher G., Tichy G., Posch G., Pawlak E., Aigner A., Hutter J.: Komplementaertechnik - Gibt es „Erdstrahlen“? Wissenschaftliche Belege für standortabhaengige Wirkungen auf den Menschen und Moeglichkeit zur Harmonisierung. (Are "earth beams" existing? Scientific evidence for location dependent effects on the human body and possibility for harmonization.). Proceedings, Meeting of the Austrian Society of Hospital Technics Specialists (OeVKT), Poertschach / Carynthia, Austria; 83-86 (2005). Harsieber R., Hacker G.W.: Menschenwürdiges Leben. Bemerkungen zu Grenzfragen der Medizin und Biotechnologie. In: M. Fischer (Hrsg.): Der Begriff der Menschenwürde. Peter Lang-Verlag / Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, Rehcts- Sozial- und wirtschaftsphilosophie Bd. 19, 2. überarbeitete Auflage, 225-246 (2005). Krobath P./ Hacker G.W.: Visionen für das Gesundheitswesen von morgen. "Der Kranke lernt, in Eigenverantwortung künftig bestmöglich selber für seine Gesundheit zu sorgen.". CliniCumKult -Jubiläumsheft "15 Jahre CliniCum", vol 12, 114 (2005). Hacker G.W., Reichenpfader E.: Palliative Care über den Tod hinaus: Der Salzburger Verabschiedungsraum. (Palliative care does not end with death: Experiences with the Salzburg Farewell Room). In: Ethik und Wissenschaft in der Anthroposophischen Medizin: Beiträge zu Neuerungen in der Medizin. (Ethics and Science in Anthroposophic Medicine: Contributions to a Rejuvenation in Medicine), Rist L. et al. (eds.), Peter Lang Publishing Group, Europaeischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 215-234 (2006). Hacker G.W., Pauser G. (unter Mitwirkung von: Augner Chr., Florian M., Schwamberger G., Hitzl W.): Wirkungen von GSM-Sendeanlagen auf den Menschen. Interner Abschlussbericht für den Zeitraum von 8/2005 bis 10/2006, Land Salzburg, 84 Seiten, 3.11.2006. Hacker G.W., Pauser G., Josef Aumayr, Wiebecke A.: Ausgleich geopathischer Störzonen. (In German language). Invited Book Chapter in: "Das grosse Buch der ganzheitlichen Therapien", Hrsg.: Dr. Rüdiger Dahlke. Integral, Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH, 72-81 (2007). Hacker G.W., Augner Chr., Florian M., Pauser G.: Diurnal relationship between gas discharge visualization (GDV) and salivary amylase, IgA, cortisol and substance P. Book chapter (in Russian language), invited by Prof. Konstantin Korotkov (ed.): The Principles of Electrophotonic Analysis. St. Petersburg University Press, SPbFU ITMO, Russia. ISBN 978-598947-059-4, pages 128-138 (2007). Hacker G.W., Pauser G.: Geopathy and its effects on the human organism, as detected by GDV. Book chapter (in Russian language), invited by Prof. Konstantin Korotkov (ed.): The Principles of Electrophotonic Analysis. St. Petersburg University Press, SPbFU ITMO, Russia. ISBN 978-598947-059-4, pages 239-249 (2007). Hacker G.W., Augner Chr., Eder A., Pauser G.: Standortabhängige Belastungsphänomene und deren Bedeutung im Klinikbereich. (Location-Dependent Stress Phenomena and their Significance for Hospitals). In: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Healthcare Engineering (ECHE 2007), Vienna, Sept. 5-7, 2007. Lecture summaries, in German (pages 105-106) and in English (pages 229-230). (2007). Hacker G.W., Augner Chr., Oberfeld G., Pauser G.: GSM-Sendeanlagen und der Mensch: Biochemische Stressparameter und komplementärmedizinische Analysen. (GSM base stations and man: biochemical parameters of stress and complementary medical analyses). Proceedings, SILAMED, Horgen / Zürich, 11 pages (2008). Hacker G.W., Eder A., Augner Chr., Pauser G.: Geopathic stress zones and their influence on the human organism. Proceedings of the Druskininskai congress on "Earth's Fields and their Influence on Human Beings", 21 pages (2008). Hacker G.W., Demarmels U.: Die neue Dimension der Gesundheit. Ganzheitlicher Schutz vor belastenden Umwelteinflüssen. Ein Ratgeber aus wissenschaftlicher und spiritueller Sicht. (The New Dimension of Health: Holistic Protection from Pathogenic Environmental Influences. A Guide Book Combining Scientific and Spiritual Viewpoints.) SüdWest, Verlagsgruppe RandomHouse / Bertelsmann, München. Printed Version: 240 pages (2008); eBook (EPUB and pdf) 2009. Druckauflage: 8000 Exemplare. Augner Chr., Florian M., Pauser G., Oberfeld G., Hacker G.W.: GSM base stations: Short-term effects on well-being. Bioelectromagnetics, EPub ahead of print, 19. Sept. 2008. Printed version: Bioelectromagnetics 30(1), 73-80 (2009). This mansucript was later on invited by Bioelectromagnetics to participate at the Paper of the Year 2009 award. Hacker G.W., Pauser G.: Fondements géophysiques, structures cibles et effets des zones de stress géopathique détectés avec la Visualisation par Décharge Gazeuse (GDV). (Geophysical Background, Target Structures and Effects of Geopathic Stress Zones, as Detected with Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Methodology.) Les principes de l'analyse GDV. Korotkov K., & Frère J, ed; M. Pietteur, ISBN-10: 2874340480. In French language. 189-218 (2009). Augner Chr., Hacker G.W.: Relationship of health concerns, living next to a mobile phone base station, and psychological stress. Indian Journal of Occupational and Envioronmental Medicine 13 (3), 141-145 (Dec. 2009). Hacker G.W., Demarmels U.: Az egészség új dimenziója. Átfogó védekezés az egészségkárosító körneyezeti hatások ellen. Tanácsok tudományos és spirituális szemszögböl. Hungarian language edition of the book "The new dimension of health: Holistic Protection from Pathogenic Environmental Influences. A Guide Book Combining Scientific and Spiritual Viewpoints. Almandin Books Bt., Budapest, Hungary, ISBN 978 964 88153 3 0, 229 pages (2010). Augner Chr., Hacker G.W., Schwarzenbacher S., Pauser G.: Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV): Eine auf physikalischen Methoden und Meridiananalysen basierende Technik zur Untersuchung von Stressreaktionen und energetischen Schwachstellen – Zwischenbericht laufender Forschung. (Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV): A Technique Based on Physical Methods and Meridian Analyses to Detect Stress Reactions and Energetic Weaknesses – Report of Ongoing Research.) Dt. Ztschr. f. Akup. (DZA) – German Journal of Acupuncture & Related Techniques 53, 14-20 (2010). Augner Chr., Hacker G.W., Jekel I.: Geopathic stress zones: Short-term effects on work performance and well-being? JACM - Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 16: 657-661 (2010). Hacker G.W.: Stress aus dem Boden. (Stress from the ground). Invited book chapter for: Die Kunst zu leben (The Art of Living), Rosenstatter R. & Porsche P.D. (ed.), Kulturverlag Polzer, Salzburg, pp. 112-125 (25.11.2010). Augner Chr., Hacker G.W., Oberfeld G., Florian M., Hitzl W., Hutter J., Pauser G.: Effects of exposure to GSM mobile phone base station signals on saliavy cortisol, alpha-amylse, and immunoglobulin A. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (Elsevier) 23/3, 45-52 (2010). Furter L.M.: Geopathische Störzonen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit von Milchkühen. (Geopathic Stress Zones and their Effects on Health of Dairy Cows). Inaugural-Dissertation, supervised by Hacker G.W. at the VetSuisse Faculty of the University of Zurich, Switzerland. 95 pages (2010). Hacker G.W., Augner Chr., Pauser G.: Daytime-related rhythmicity of gas discharge visualization (GDV) parameter glow image area: Time course and comparison to biochemical parameters measured in saliva. Invited book chapter in: Energy Fields. Electrophotonic Analysis in Humans and Nature. Korotkov K. (ed.), ISBN 978-5-91014-022-0. St. Petersburg University, Russia, 214-232 (2011). Hacker G.W., Pauser G., Augner C.: Geophysical Background, Target Structures and Effects of Geopathic Stress Zones, as Detected with Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Methodology. Invited book chapter in: Spiral Traverse: Journey into the Unknown, 2nd edn. Korotkov K. (ed.), ISBN-13: 978-0-9742019-4-8; ISBN-10: 0-9742019-4-4. St. Petersburg University, Russia, 315-348 (2011). Augner Chr., Hacker G.W.: Associations between problematic mobile phone use and psychological parameters in young adults. Int. J. Public Health, published online 03. February 2011 as Int J Public Health DOI 10.1007/s00038-011-0234-z. Printversion: Int. J. Public Health 57(2), 437-441 (2012). Hacker G.W.: Quantenphysik und Quantenheilung. Invited book chapter in: "Quantenheilung für Körper und Seele", Hetzner J. (Autorin), Gräfe & Unzer Verlag, München, ISBN: 9783833827167, Seiten 14-17 & 46-47 (2012). Hacker G.W.: Geopathisch belastete Standorte - Mythos oder Wirklichkeit? (Geopathic Locations - Myth or Reality?) Invited book chapter in: "Salzburger Kulturwissenschaftliche Dialoge Band 2.: Mythos - Mensch - Maschine" ("Salzburg Cultural Scientific Dialogue Vol. 2: Myth - Human - Mashine"). Klopf J., Frass M., Gabriel M. (Eds.) & Gesellschaft für Kultursoziologie an der Universität Salzburg / Society for Cultural Sociology at the University of Salzburg, Paracelsus Buchhandlung und Verlag, Salzburg, ISBN: 978-3-902776-05-1 (Hardcover) & ISBN 978-3-902776-11-2 (E-Book), pages 167-197 (12/2012). |